Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I've neglected recently to post updates on the riveting tale that is my quest to own every piece of Stromile Swift memorabilia in the known universe.  Tonight I felt like writing something and even felt motivated enough to clean out my scanner (although, as you might have noticed, some gunk remains; I did a half-assed job).  So here I am with an update!

Since I last posted about the collection I've acquired over fifty cards.  The majority have come courtesy of the seller I've mentioned in past posts who used to rival me in Stromile Swift card collecting but gave up because I am unrivalable.  Pictured above are six of the most notable cards of the bunch.

The top row is all printing plates, 1/1.  The printing plate in the upper left was used in production of Stromile's '05/06 Topps card, which by default is an all-time favorite of mine because it features the pinnacle of the Stro Show, the epic two-handed nuclear blast on top of Yao Ming.  I also like how they attached a normal card back to the metal plate to dress it up a little bit.

In the second row, the card to the left is numbered /192 and also features former DPOY and GOAT backhand high-fiver, Marcus Camby (and Kurt Thomas!).  Again, the card is numbered /192, but I've been collecting Stromile Swift cards for 10 years and I'd never seen the thing, so it seems rarer than that.

In the bottom row center is a relatively rare version (/99) of Stro's '04/05 Topps Chrome card.  With the acquisition of this card I completed that particular "set" (gold border, x-fractor, black border, refractor, base) with the exception of 1/1s, which I have never actually seen for sale.  The '04/05 Topps Chrome is one of the prettiest Stro cards in terms of finished appearance.  The angular design and trademark media day "don't fuck with me" pose give it a menacing look that I enjoy.

In the bottom right is a card with Kwame Brown on it, which probably makes you laugh.  But you should stop laughing because it's a 1/1 and Kwame Brown is an underrated post defender who once threw Boris Diaw on the floor (if you watched the video, it's okay to laugh now; the video is quite funny).  I don't like Boris Diaw, and you shouldn't either, so this is a nice basketball card.

Recent acquisitions put my total Stro Show card count at roughly 325, which is a little over 50% of the checklist.  So I'm halfway there, except I'm really not, because some douchewad outbid me on a 1/1.  If you're reading this, douchewad, you're a douchewad.  Like, you know how people speak rhetorically about taking candy from babies?  Well you probably actually take candy from babies just like you took that card from me, because you are that huge of a douchewad, douchewad.

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