Thursday, March 27, 2014

Acquisition: "Stro Show" Custom Basketball Card

Being the over-excitable young lad that I am, I've spent most of my waking hours this and last week creating my own digital basketball cards.  Tuesday, I decided to take it a step further and turn my latest custom design into an acquisition by having it printed.  You are looking at the [almost] finished product, with which I am more than pleased.  The white part on top still needs to be cut off, but the other edges are so crispy I'm afraid to try it myself.

I hadn't realized that most buildings in Maine that aren't gas stations, Super Wal-Marts or McDonald's are printing companies, but, apparently, they are.  I must've reviewed six or seven prospective printers prior (Holy alliteration, Batman!) to making my selection.  Anyhow, I eventually picked a place and submitted my order for ten copies at a cost of twenty-nine dollars and change --- a freaking bargain, methinks --- and anxiously awaited the result.  I didn't have to wait long; the cards were ready for pickup the same day, but I wasn't able to retrieve them until this morning.

As you may have noticed, this is the Stromile Swift version of my "Swaggy P" design.  I call it the AKA Series, and I intend to fill it out with players who go by some of the league's most awesome nicknames.  I'll probably have the whole series printed soon, and since I'll be getting multiple copies of each card I'd be more than happy to dish some out, so long as you'll paypal me a dollar or two or three.  Special request?  Hit me with a comment or e-mail, admin at nba247365 dot com.

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