Saturday, September 6, 2014

NBA Doodles

Greetings, internet!  As you might've noticed, I haven't done much writing lately.  Actually, that's not true at all... I've scribbled enough characters this summer to compose three or four novels. I just haven't done much blogging.   To the readers who enjoy this blog, I apologize for that.

I've had an eventful summer.  Over the past three months, I've literally done more socializing than I had in the five, maybe even ten years prior.  People who know me would be shocked to learn that I recently drank my first beer, and have since had a handful more (note that this handful has been consumed one at a time, spaced out by at least 24 hours).  I've got a full-time job and a part-time job.  I was enrolled in two summer courses, and I'm taking six more this fall.  I still play pickup basketball from time to time.  People contact me and ask me to do stuff; sometimes multiple people at the same time, even.  Shockingly (to me, at least), such frequent exposure to idle chitchat, loud noises, terrible music, and relatively large crowds has not destroyed me. 

Basically, I don't think I've ever been so busy with non-independent/basketball endeavors in all my life.  Whether or not that's a good thing, I've yet to decide.

Despite that I've been so busy, I have not ceased to kill time, wherever I can find time to kill.  At my office job, I've spent hours upon hours doodling -- mostly little pictures for my coworkers, but more recently, NBA subject matter.

Here are a couple samples.



I loved to draw when I was a young.  I used to draw skateboarders, mostly.  It's been fun doing something similar at this stage in my life.  I never thought I'd start drawing again in any capacity, and, although I realize these doodles aren't exactly masterpieces, I've been pleased with the results.  Not that the results matter -- I'm just having fun with it.

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